Monday, July 04, 2005

Monday And Work Again

Back at work once again...

Weekend was pretty nice. I didn't sit as much in front of computer as I sometimes tend to.

I cleaned up a lot. And I replanned my apartment interiors totally. I'm going to get some new furniture and maybe sell some old ones. I'm going to go through my clothes and give some clothes I don't use to charity and then maybe see what I would really need.

Having been a student for long time has really hurt my wardrobe.

I met M yesterday. She came to visit me and we spent hours naked in bed - cuddling. That's right cuddling. Scary actually. Might think we are lovers or something. It was sweet. And pretty much just what I needed.

Do I just imagine or has M changed?

Or have I just changed so much that M seems different now?

Hmm... I guess it's stupid to question anymore if we are together or such. We are. We are very intimately together now.

So I have a lover. Someone who is capable of being rough or soft and sweet. What next? Is this what it is or will it develop to something more?
Will we get into walking hand in hand at beach or such? Or is this only about having sweet intimate moments now and then - and then returning to "own" life.

Earlier I have been writing how I feel cant handle any fuckbuddy systems and now I actually feel I couldn't live again without one. Or maybe it's the cuddling I cant live without. Though it isn't really wonder. I mean I have been so alone lately.

I feel good when I'm with her. And being honest I'm waiting to see her again. :)