Sunday, June 26, 2005


Back at home again.

So last Friday was Midsummer or "Juhannus" as we call it here. I went to my parents summer cottage on Thursday already and some family and relatives came there as well. Nothing too special happened there. We grilled some very good sausages on Thursday evening and sat around the fire well past midnight. Of course we had lots of beer and other drinks.

The weather on Friday was really nice. We just sat chatting, swam in lake etc. Everyone did a bit what they wanted. On evening we had "Russian herring", garlic roasted bread and salad for starters. A dish made of salted herring covered with creme fraiche (should be smetana of course) and topped with beetroot, gherkin and boiled egg dices is called Russian herring here. Its something I hated when I was kid but now it tastes great. Just some boiled potatoes and dark bread with it.

Then as main dish three salmons we smoked outside. They were delicious like always. Then coffee and rhubarb pie for dessert. Just great dinner. After that again chatting and sitting around the fire.

On Saturday noon I changed place to M's familys summer cottage. Her parents had left somewhere and she had invited some of her friends there. And when I arrived there they had been drinking there two days already. And as soon as I got there it started raining. And it rained whole evening. So we sat inside, played truth and dare, drank some more and so on.

There was some cute girl I had little flirt going on with. Nothing too special happened. We had generally ok time. Not too fun - their cottage was a bit too small for such amount of people to fit in comfortably.

Somehowin the evening I ended up in same bed with M. And turned out to be amazing...

We crawled under pillows. M said she wasn't really sleepy. I said I wasn't either. She quickly slipped under my blanket and everything went with their own weight. It was just so cuddly and sweet. We lied on our sides kissing and hugging. I almost felt like I would ejaculate when she fingered me and I guess I did to some extent. At least I had a really wet spot under my hip.

We just kept kissing and cuddling for sometime after orgasms and then we started again. And from that I have a faint teeth marks and small purple dots on my breast. And some finger tip sized bruises all long my sides.

Cant think much else to say about it than wow.

On morning we were a bit like nothing would have happened. There was awfully windy so I left quite early. We didn't kiss good bye or act like we would have any relationship or anything going on. We didn't talk about getting together or anything like that.

Well better maybe try to not to think too hard. I'm just all smile when I think about last night.