Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Going To Meet M

Im going for a coffee with M today.

"Just for coffee" we agreed so I guess we are going to talk about something. I think she wants to get back together. Well "together" like we were. Fuckbuddies... regular sex company.. what ever.

Relationship wouldnt have worked with her. I dont think it still wont. But sexually she is damn attractive. And Im not talking about looks but attitude, behavior - all that. I am really tempted by the thought of having some intimate time with her again. Letting her to mess up my mind totally again. :)

But problem is that I dont know if I can live like that. I think its hard to be intimate with someone without developing emotions. And with emotions it will hard to stay just as fuckbuddies. And if living together and having relationship wont work it cause troubles.

So what is the solution? Why the hell I find her so tempting and attractive but same time I know it wont work...