Monday, November 15, 2004

Stomach And Stress

”You should stop drinking”

Do I have a problem with alcohol? I don’t think so. Yes I do drink a lot time to time. I drink to get drunk quite often. And I do drink to forget and improve my mood. But on other hand I almost never drink so much that I would lose control. I never do anything that I would regret later. And I never forget what I did when drunk. But I do drink at least something alcoholic probably 6 days a week…

The reason why I’m going this through is that my stomach is really hurting again. I hope there’s no bigger problem.

My soc mates in PE have started to put pressure on me to get me on team speak (~some program for voice chatting). I’m not keen at all. The reason I love PE is that I can keep people at right distance. They can be friends but they are not too close to you. Somehow for me it seems that voice chatting would be one step closer. After it I would have much harder being the real myself. Problem in it is that if I refuse they are going to think that I’m a guy faking to be a girl. So I guess I just have to buy microphone and at least say ‘hi’ once – hopefully I can stop using it later.

I hate it when people demand or expect me to do things. I kind of paralyse from the stress. I cant really explain it. Even smallest thing I’m expected to do seems impossible task. I just feel like running away and hiding when someone requires me to do something…
After thinking and writing this all I feel less sane again… :(