Monday, November 01, 2004

First Story Ready

Soo... today... I woke up with some dirty thoughts. I saw a dream about anal sex. I thought about it all morning and finally decided to write it to a story. It took a singe session and length was nearly 1500 words. Quite a squeeze of writing :)

I could now post it to Literotica but it seems I'm hesitating now. I really didn't plan my first story to be about anal sex. I'm having second thoughts about what people think about me when they see it. Oh dear...

Tomorrow I was supposed to have a meeting with the company. It moved to Friday - hurray! Situation is this: I was freelancing for them. I had a strict deadline with a sanction sum if I fail the deadline. I was depressed and unmotivated whole summer - of course I failed. So the company basically has a right to make me pay (= reduce my payment a lot) for it. I begged for more time and I was given a month of that. I managed to do the work during that extra time. Now however I should go there and give some kind of explanation why my work was a month late and poorly done.

If they make me pay sanctions I'm screwed. If I tell them that I have issues with my sanity they prolly forgive this but I can say bye bye to any future jobs there. If I tell them some bullshit... well I cant come up with any credible reasons. I don't want to think about it more now. I have a feeling I'm going to tell them truth anyway. Problem is that one person there knows my mother. My mother doesn't know about my depression. I cant imagine what kind of hell will break loose.

I have time for psychologist again this week but now it seems I have to cancel it. I'm secretly happy that I don't need to go to cry there.