Thursday, August 18, 2005

Appointment Time

I had appointment time with doctor today. Now am back again in treatment. Though I still have queue until I get weekly therapy time. Also I prolly get anti-depressants next time after next appointment time. Something is happening again...

Thanks for everyone who have written here lately. I havent been in too good shape to answer emails or comments but I have read everything. I guess lately I have really been crying for help. I hope it will be better now on again. To top of that I lost internet connection yesterday so I couldnt even read my emails on evening.

I did depression query thing at doctor today and when it has scaling from 0-3 in questions my average "score" was 2-something. I guess that qualifies as a bad thing.

I really would have wanted to talk about some things but she really was a normal doctor not a psychologist. The discussion we had was quite strictly about non-psychological things...

Now I feel partly relieved, partly disappointed. I called M and got even more disappointed as she seemed to be uninterested about it all... I get bad feeling she doesnt take it seriously enough. Its probably my fault for not telling her well enough but still. I need to start telling people in real life - my parents, friends etc... Cant hide things forever.