Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Feeling Unimportant

I spend some time with my parents and my cousins family during weekend. I guess it was nice. I just feel myself an outsider. And I have constantly a feeling that Im mostly just trouble and burden to people. That people are too nice to tell the truth but they would actually feel relieved if I would disappear somewhere - especially if I would disappear with some good reason that wouldnt worry them too much...

I think most of the people I know would be perfectly happy if they would see me half as often or less than they have seen me now. It makes it discouraging to try to socialize with people.

One thing that makes me really sad is how little attention they sometimes pay to me. I mean lately there has been several cases when I for example talk in phone with someone or chat in net and the other one just answers to what I write, not initiating anything. And feel otherwise distant or distracted too. Then when asking they tell are just watching tv or chatting with other people or doing what ever same time.

It feels like Im way too unimportant or uninteresting for anyone of them to just talk with full attention. Im more like someone to chat with when I dont bother too much more important things - like watching tv or reading emails.