Monday, October 10, 2005


Borderlines often blames others for things they havent said or done.

Borderlines can describe themselves for hours without really saying anything about themselves; they lack sense of self and who they really are.

They have low tolerance for stress and lack of self control - they work impulsively and do often things they are ashamed later. They are unable to get full satisfaction from work or hobbies.

Borderlines have primitive defence mechanism; they see everything either good or evil, without anything in between. They can love you on one moment and hate you on another. They dont see whole picture of you, never remember what you have been or are in general - they only remember what you did or said last time. And if they didnt like it, they think you are "evil".

They try to project their own disliked characteristics on you and try make you feel the as bad as they feel themselves. They drift from one relationship to another and get hurted continuously. They feel dependant on other, even if they cant necessarily stand someone right next moment. They search for someone to save them, thinking that help can only come from outside.

They will panic from thought of getting abandoned but they cant tolerate closeness either. Death of a close one can create severe stress borderline may have difficulties come over. They have twisted beliefs concerning relationships and friendships. Being oversensitive they react way easier to bodylanguage and tones. Even slightest things can hurt.

Borderlines adapt poorly to social situations. They have difficulties to understand how to behave at work, studying place or in leisure activities. They often feel being helpless, hopeless, guilty, hating, angry, excited, lonely, void. And they are often depressed. Their way of thinking is sometimes really weird. They have weird perspective and tendency for paranoia and psychotic phases.

Manipulating others is very essential borderline behavior. They need to get their will through - right now - if you dont agree, you are evil. They will pout until you give up. Threatning with suicide is possible too. Their thinking is very sexual, and they usually end up in temporary relationships.

Moods fluctuate all the time, lasting sometimes only hours. They often react to slightest, even imagined, stimulation. Reaction is often improper to the situation and can be uncontrollable rage. They are potentially dangerous in traffic.

Lack of conscience leads to difficulties in work life. They dont necessarily see their own abilities but end up trying different careers without succeeding in any of them. They dont know who they are, so they try to copy from others.

They can be very depressed, even suicidal and then next moment smile and talk, and seem like very warm person. But inside they are afraid because they dont know who they are and they are afraid of being abandoned. They are often desperate and manipulate others to get acceptance and attention.

Borderlines are often intelligent and can seem friendly and capable. This illusion can last even years until defence mechanisms fail. In work life they often seem very able but secretly inside they are at the point of collapsing.